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(1 edit) (+1)

Yeah, this game is seriously broken right now.

It's still up because it was my first finished game, and I fully intend to come fix it one day, but, it's sort of a big mess.

If you want, I can leave a comment here when I do get around to getting it working. Really sorry about that.


I used this confused little comment as motivation to finally take the time to fix the game.

I actually ended up doing a full remake. No new features, but everything should work much better now (fingers crossed).

I mostly just wanted to pop by though to thank you because your "umm..." was what made me realize that I really just needed to get this game working again.


You're very welcome!


This was a fun play! I'm new to text based games and this was a great intruduction to them. I really like the UI and the atmospheric music and the text. The UI is super clean and readable which I find quite nice. As a noob gamer I got a tip for the title screen: maybe make a play button cus I was busy a whole 2 minutes figuring out where to click on my phone. That might just be me but I wanted to note it anyway. Overall great job!

Yeah, I thought I would make the title screen be aesthetically nice and sort of quirky by forgoing a play button. And I actually sort of hoped people would search at least a little for it because some subtle sounds play when there isn't music. 

But on mobile, it really doesn't make any sense because you don't see the title's hover animation. And it's almost certainly stupid in general to make it harder for people to play my game, whether on desktop or mobile, ha. Aesthetically nice and quirky are great, until they mean not functional. 

Thanks so much for playing (especially sticking with it after a confusing menu experience), and for the great feedback.

(1 edit) (+2)

Lovely Twine game. Great writing, wonderful surrealism, clean implementation. 

The UI is basic and future iterations could snazzy that up to make it more exciting. The music was ok, it didn't detract from the game but it didn't stand out.

Overall, this was a joy to read and I'm excited to see more development from you! Nice work!

(1 edit)

Well written and helpful feedback that I will definitely be keeping with me.

Thanks so much for taking the time to play and comment!


Elegant, especially if there would be no bugs
(2 edits) (+1)

Thank you sooo much for playing and posting before the end of the jam I made this for. That bug was actually pretty big, and I was able to fix it. 

Also, thank you for playing in general!

(Also also, there is just something really cool about seeing a video made where someone plays my game. Sorry for nerding out.)


Thanks man. Glad it worked out for you. If you want more reactions from me, here's a more detailed playthrough. Also, English is not my first language, and I very rarely speak in it, so that's why my commentary is rusty. If the quality of video is bad, it means YouTube didn't finish processing fully yet.